We invite submissions 2 to 8 pages long in ACM proceedings format. Submissions must follow the ACM proceedings format, similar to the SPLC submission guideline (see here for more details). The papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The authors will be notified about acceptance before the early registration deadline. Accepted papers will be posted on the website and published in the ACM Digital Library. In particular, we are looking for contributions in the following topics:
Submissions should be sent using EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fosd2018 At least one author of each accepted submission must register and attend FOSD 2018 in order for the submission to be published.
Papers should exhibit originality and should not present already finished research. Instead, we explicitly invite papers that present new, visionary ideas that are in an early stage with some questions still being open. In particular, the papers should highlight:
The workshop will be a highly interactive event for one full day. The opener will be a keynote by a speaker relevant to the FOSD community (TBD). Then, accepted papers are presented in sessions. For each accepted paper, we allocate 10–15 min for presentation (depending on number of presentations) and 3–5 min clarification questions. Then, at the end of each session, there will be a panel discussion (approx. 30 min) with all speakers of this session.
Additionally, we will allocate one slot for a discussion sessions to address issues raised during the paper presentations or other “hot topics". The ultimate goal of this session is to join forces and, in summary, obtain a kind of manifesto of FOSD reflecting on the main challenges and future directions for research in the field of FOSD.
Tool Demos. To make the FOSD workshop an interactive event we also allocate a session for informal discussion and demonstrations. We thus want to encourage you to prepare a demonstration related to FOSD or think about topics you ever wanted to discuss.